We’re named among ‘technologies speeding up the new client process’

Paylink Solutions was named in good company, when the FT Adviser listed the software firm as a Future Development in a list of technologies speeding up the new client process. Paylink’s Embark product is the driving force behind gathering information in the adviser-focused technology space. Lenders, collectors and brokers can easily carry out affordability assessments… Continue reading We’re named among ‘technologies speeding up the new client process’

How Embark is helping banks deal with payment holiday requests

Paylink Solutions recently posted an article highlighting what the development teams at Paylink are doing to help the banks and financial institutions deal with the peak in volumes of customers asking for payment holidays. Customer Affordability at Your Fingertips Our Embark for Collections product has been designed and developed to provide a seamless workflow for… Continue reading How Embark is helping banks deal with payment holiday requests

What’s the score on persistent debt so far?

Firstly, I’d like to wish my friends and colleagues a very happy New Year – I hope you’ve settled back into the swing of things and are ready to make 2020 one to remember! Last year my colleague, Navdeep Sethi, wrote about how banks and lenders are putting new processes in place to help the… Continue reading What’s the score on persistent debt so far?

What about Overdrafts and Persistent Debt?

In my last article, I talked about how firms can use the FCA Rules and Guidelines on Persistent Debt as an opportunity to transform their collections process. Processes to tackle Persistent Debt are now being put in place and millions of consumers across the UK have been – or are being contacted – about their… Continue reading What about Overdrafts and Persistent Debt?

An opportunity to transform the customer engagement experience

How can firms use the FCA Rules & Guidelines on Persistent Debt as an opportunity to transform their collections process? The approach to managing persistent debt is high on the agenda of most banks and credit providers. It’s a problem, which needs to be solved – not by just treating customers who are classed as… Continue reading An opportunity to transform the customer engagement experience

Embark helps lenders meet the needs of their clients

Following our recent post relating to mortgage payment holidays – where monthly mortgage repayments are paused for a set period of time to help those customers affected by the current Covid-19 situation – we set out the intentions of the Paylink teams to adapt our existing Embark platform to assist in the processing of applications.… Continue reading Embark helps lenders meet the needs of their clients

Helping lenders meet the needs of clients

Current Government policy has provided a steer to financial service providers, enabling them to announce payment holidays that can help customers who will struggle to pay their bills due to the pandemic. The latest of these is a scheme that allows mortgage payments to be frozen for a period of time, with the customer paying… Continue reading Helping lenders meet the needs of clients

Coronavirus update from Paylink Solutions

At Paylink Solutions, we understand these are worrying times, and everyone is doing their best to look after themselves, family and friends. During all this uncertainty, we’d like to reassure our clients that we’ve put measures in place to make sure our service continues as normal. All data is secure and in the event of… Continue reading Coronavirus update from Paylink Solutions

Paylink Solutions seeks finance industry’s thoughts on persistent debt

We’ve launched our first ever Credit Nation survey with Credit Today, which is set to take stock of key issues in the credit industry among practitioners.# The aim is to kickstart a regular review of the credit industry to assess where the industry has come from, where it is now and, most importantly, where it’s… Continue reading Paylink Solutions seeks finance industry’s thoughts on persistent debt

We’ve been shortlisted for two Women in Credit Awards!

We’re delighted that two members of our team have been named as finalists at this year’s Women in Credit Awards. Our CEO Susan Rann is a finalist in the Business Leader of the Year (non-creditor) category and Camille Brown, who is our Customer Success Manager & Product Trainer is in the running for Team Player… Continue reading We’ve been shortlisted for two Women in Credit Awards!